Regarding subscriptions
For many years in our long history, the RRS published a regular series of paper newsletters called the “Astro-Jet”. Subscriptions were available to interested parties who wanted to keep up on the activities of the RRS.
Unfortunately, the RRS hasn’t published a paper-based newsletter in many years so our website is serving this same purpose to keep our membership and other readers informed. The society is also developing our social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
The RRS may produce publications in the future, but at this time, subscriptions to the Astro-Jet newsletter are no longer available.
The RRS history project will be a significant publication we hope to make in time for our upcoming 75th anniversary. We look forward to sharing the fruits of our labor very soon.
The RRS would like to encourage our members to update their membership information (mailing address/email) so our executive council can better serve our members. To do so, please contact the RRS treasurer at our mailing address or simply email them. The executive council is happy to be of assistance.
Reaction Research Society
P.O. Box 90933
Los Angeles, CA, 90009-0933