by Andrew Cortopassi, Secretary, Reaction Research Society
The Reaction Research Society (RRS) met for our first monthly meeting of the New Year on January 10, 2020, at the Ken Nakaoka Community Center in Gardena, California. We made quick work of several agenda items, followed by three great presentations of ongoing rocket projects.
Upcoming Events at the MTA
The next launch at the RRS MTA to be held on January 18, 2020 was discussed. Several members look to test their motors or rockets at the MTA. This includes the Gas Guzzler (Wolfram) and Hybrid Rocket (Dave/Larry) projects. There was concern over potential bad weather, which brought up procedures for ensuring a launch event will continue as scheduled. Members are encouraged to contact RRS President Osvaldo Tarditti, as any launch approaches should there be concern regarding the postponement of a launch event. USC RPL has also scheduled a launch for the following Saturday, January 25, 2020.

CAL FIRE Fireworks Handbook Rocket Subcommittee
Drew, Larry, and Osvaldo, along with members of other rocketry organizations (ROC and FAR), attended a CAL FIRE Rocket Subcommittee meeting held in Monrovia, CA on December 16, 2019. There the subcommittee members discussed proposed changes to the Fireworks Handbook regarding rocketry with members of the California State Fire Marshall (CSFM)’s office. Roughly half of the proposed changes were reviewed and the group looks forward to a follow-up meeting in the near-future.

Compton College STEM Club
Two members of the Compton College STEM Club discussed recent and future activities of the club. The first activity was a trip to Waldo’s El Ranchito Rakete, a personally curated rocket museum. The second activity presented was on their Compton Comet project, with the goal of developing a liquid rocket. Finally, they discussed upcoming and previous High Altitude Balloon (HAB) launches.

Hybrid Rocket Project
Dave Nordling presented progress and plans for a hybrid rocket project. The project will utilize a commercial H222 rocket system and aims to reinvigorate the RRS’s efforts in hybrid rocket development. The theory of operation of the COTS hybrid rocket system were detailed. Efforts to source nitrous oxide were also discussed along with technical details regarding bottle connections, storage, available grades of nitrous oxide, and safe handling. The selected ground support equipment (GSE) was also detailed. Dave and Larry plan on testing out the rocket in a modified airframe in the near-future.
USC RPL Poise Project
A member of the USC RPL discussed the Poise Project development and upcoming testing. The Poise project is a 6” L-class solid rocket developed by USC student members of RPL. More information can be found at