by Keith Yoerg, Secretary, Reaction Research Society
The RRS held its monthly meeting on Friday, August 12, 2022, by teleconference accutane starting 7:30pm. The agenda was below.
- Review of recent MTA/rocket events, reports are posted on the website
- 7/9 & 7/16: Work parties at MTA to install bathroom container (video Keith made of the delivery with the drone)
- 7/21: Aerospace Ccorporation intern launch event
- 7/25-7/31: Michigan liquid engine hot fire test campaign
- Upcoming MTA events
- Bathroom work to continue in September
- Other planned events are
- USC RPL pad work
- USC propellant sample testing
- and a USC RPL static fire
- Bill Claybaugh is preparing a ambien new pad for launching heavier rockets from the MTA
- Bill Ca;ybaugh will launch his six-inch rocket from a new rail launcher
- Social media milestone reached: 1,000 Instagram followers
- Preferences for future monthly meetings:
- Monthly in-person (w/ zoom option) is something desired by many
- In-person 4x per year (zoom other months), some supported the idea, other thought it may be confusing
- Other ideas included meeting at a new location at the Compton Airport front office
- Other items addressed by the Executive Council this month:
- Looking into society workshop/workspace at the Compton airport
- Addition of more/semi-permanent high power launch pads
- RRS membership has surpassed 2021 levels
- Progress still being made on website update, hope to show something next month
Our next meeting will be September 9th. Contact the RRS secretary for details.