by Dave Nordling, President, RRS.ORG
The RRS held it’s last meeting of 2022 on December 9th at the front office of the Compton/Woodley Airport. After some consideration, the society voted to make this site our permanent meeting location. Our teleconference feature will also remain which has helped us through the pandemic and connect our members living or traveling far away.
The newly elected officers for next year, 2023, were announced:
Dave Nordling, President
Frank Miuccio, Vice President
Joel Cool-Panama, Secretary
Larry Hoffing, Treasurer
The society thanks Keith Yoerg for his two years of service as our secretary. We welcome Joel Cool-Panama as our new secretary starting January 1, 2023.
The society also would like to thank Drew Cortopassi for serving as our election chairman this year.

Past events were reviewed including the USC RPL static fire and the work event on December 4th. Reports on these events have been posted.

The welding class in Vista was also a big success as we learned GMAW, MIG and TIG types of welding.. The society has agreed to buy a pair of better welding helmets.
We had two people join the society as associate members, Michael Rouleau and Abdullah Daya. We welcome them to the society.
Future events including a launch event on December 17th were discussed. An event on January 14th is in discussion as we may have a visitor that Saturday. Restroom construction will likely continue into January.
The executive council is working to complete the final draft of the Constitution. Many improvements have been made and it will be going out to the voting membership before year’s end for a 2/3rd’s ratification vote. Drew Cortopassi agreed to be our election chairman for this special vote. Voting will close in 45 days after submission to the voting membership which will be late January to early February 2023. Results to be announced at the February 10, 2023, meeting.
The new website for the RRS is still in work. Frank Miuccio continues to work with our webmaster. No date for its launch yet.
Our 80th anniversary as a society is on January 6th, 2023. We hope to formally announce our next symposium at the next meeting.
Next meeting will be January 13th, 2023, at the front office of the Compton/Woodley Airport.