by Joel Cool-Panama, Secretary, RRS.ORG
Dear members, it is with pleasure that the Reaction Research Society has announced the appointment of a new Director of Research, Rushd Julfiker. Rushd has been a member since 2022, and in that time has been of great aid to the society. His location near Palmdale uniquely positions him within the membership to actively attend and support events at the MTA, which he has done or offered to do now on several occasions. His career as an analyst in the Aerospace industry also makes him a good fit for the Society’s chief researcher. He is now the third Director of Research in the Society’s history.

Richard Garcia, the second Director of Research, was once likewise a strong supporter of the Society, and an active member. Unfortunately, family and career have called on him, and he no longer has the time or proximity needed to spend time on the Society like he once did. George Dosa, whom the office was created for, was the first Director of Research, making Richard his successor. He held the position for over five years, starting in 2018, and plans to continue to offer his support to us when able, but he as of now has returned to the regular membership. We greatly appreciate his efforts past and present, and wish him well as he continues more important pursuits and goals.
Rushd Julfiker can be found by email at “research @ “