Article II


Section 1, Membership Classes.

Members of the Society may only belong to one of the following classes: Associate, Honorary, Administrative, and Lifetime.

Section 2, Associate Membership

Associate members shall pay dues, and enjoy the benefits of the Society.

Associate members are not qualified for electoral participation, but may author and submit petitions, but may not sign them.

Section 3, Honorary Membership.

Honorary members are exempt from dues, and enjoy the same privileges as Associate membership.

The Executive Council may grant this class of membership to any person who either:

  1. Has contributed to, or performed, exceptional work in rocketry.
  2. Greatly contributed to the welfare of the Society

Section 4, Administrative Membership.

Administrative members shall pay dues, and enjoy the same privileges as Associate membership.

Administrative members are qualified for electoral participation.

The Executive Council may grant Administrative membership to any Associate member who has both:

  1. Held Associate membership for at least one year.
  2. Is an active participant in the Society

Section 5, Lifetime Membership.

Lifetime members are exempt from dues, and shall enjoy the same privileges as Administrative membership.

The Executive Council may not grant Lifetime membership to any person who either:

  1. Did not have Lifetime membership as the time this amendment is adopted.
  2. Had their membership terminated.
  3. Had their Lifetime membership rescinded as an alternative to membership termination.

Section 6, Admission.

In order to apply for admission, a person must fill out the official membership application.

In order to submit his application, a would-be member of the Society shall submit his application to the Treasurer, or to another member of the Executive Council in the Treasurer’s absence.

The Executive Council shall admit persons by a majority vote.

Section 7, Minors.

For any person less than 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian thereof must provide their written consent to his membership in the Society prior to his admission.

Section 8, Electoral Participation.

Electoral Participation shall be defined as castinga vote, signing a petition, or holding office, in all circumstances.

Section 9, Membership Dues.

The Executive Council shall establish through by-laws an annual membership dues, but may provide for discounts for individuals enrolled in an education institution.

Dues shall be due on January 1st, but the Executive Council may establish dates regulating payable and late periods.

The Executive Council may establish through by-laws that members tardy on their dues are subject to restrictions on their membership privileges

Members who are tardy on their dues are not qualified for electoral participation.

Section 10, Membership Allocation.

The Executive Council may grant am member of the Society whatever class of Membership they are qualified for.

The Executive Council may change a member’s membership class at any time, except for Lifetime members.

The Executive Council may only rescind a Lifetime’s membership class as an alternative to terminating their membership.

The Executive Council must inform a member of a change in his membership status within seven days.

Section 11, Membership Termination.

The Executive Council may terminate any member’s membership in the Society by a three-fourths vote.

A member’s membership may be terminated for any of the following:

  1. By request of the member.
  2. The member failing to pay their annual dues by the established due date
  3. The member disclosing unauthorized material or information sensitive to the Society
  4. The member performing activities inimical to the good name of the Society

A person whose membership has been terminated shall not be refunded for any dues or donations made.