All officers in the Executive Council shall serve one-year terms beginning (January 1) and ending on the calendar year (December 31) having been elected in the year prior.
At the November monthly meeting unless otherwise determined by the Executive Council the Administrative and Lifetime members shall nominate eligible members for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Eligible members for election to the Executive Council shall be Administrative or Lifetime members.
The Executive Council shall appoint an Election Chairman who shall not be a current member of the Executive Council.
The Election Chairman shall prepare and distribute ballots, which shall be distributed no later than fifteen days before the December Meeting of the members; Ballots may be returned to the Election Chairman, either by mail five days prior to the deadline, or by approved process.
Election ballots may be returned by mail before the December monthly meeting date, submitted by email to the Election Chairman, or brought in person to the December monthly meeting and submitted personally to the Election Chairman.
Votes shall be counted by the Election Chairman. Results of the election will be reported at the December monthly meeting.
Section 3, Electoral Procedure.
Valid votes shall only be in the affirmative or the negative, with no conditions.
In any vote, the outcome shall be determined based on the number of valid votes cast, not counting abstain votes or votes not received
All elections shall be determined by a simple majority vote.
In the event of a tie, the election shall be decided by coin toss at the December meeting.
Section 4, Petition.
Actions normally reserved to the Executive Council may be carried out independently by the qualified membership through petition.
Subsection 4.1, Qualifications.
A valid petition shall be clearly dated, clearly indicate signatories, clearly contain all language pertinent to the petition, and have at least seven members signing.
Following the submission of a valid petition, an election chairman shall be appointed according to the rules established within this Constitution.
All petitions shall be put to a vote within thirty days of submission, and the voting period shall be at least thirty days, except in special cases established within this Constitution.
All petitions shall pass with a simple majority vote of the responding membership, with at least seven members voting in favor, except where more constringent conditions are established within this Constitution.
A petition voted on and passed according to the rules specified within this Constitution shall go into effect, and be acted upon by the Executive Council, immediately.
Subsection 4.2, Constitutional Amendment.
A valid petition to amend this Constitution may only pass if two-thirds of the responding membership vote in favor.
Subsection 4.3, Impeachment.
Following the submission of a valid petition to impeach an officer of the Executive Council, the voting period for impeachment shall begin immediately, and shall last between fifteen and thirty days.
The officer shall be immediately removed from office if:
- Two-thirds of the responding membership vote to impeach, with at least seven voting to impeach.
- A majority of the responding membership vote to impeach, and the Executive Council votes unanimously to impeach, excluding the officer subject to impeachment.
Subsection 4.4, Member Expulsion.
A member of the Society may be expelled by petition, provided that a reason uniform with this Constitution is provided.
A valid petition to expel a member may only pass if two-thirds of the responding membership vote in favor.