Revision 2019-03-11
The following is a list of publication guidelines for articles on the RRS.ORG website. The RRS secretary shall be the editor-in-chief for all articles published to the website and reserves the right to publish at their discretion. The RRS would like to encourage all of our past and present membership to submit lucid, accurate and well-written articles on any subject pertaining directly to rocketry.
[1] Articles shall be written by RRS members past or present. The society may allow articles by non-members at the society’s discretion.
[2] All articles shall be on a single subject related to amateur or professional rocketry. Articles on technical subjects, past and current projects, lessons learned by practical experience and careful experimentation are the kinds of subjects that the RRS would like to document for the communal knowledge of the society. The RRS is also interested in society history and historical subjects in aerospace and rocketry.
[3] All articles shall be the author’s original work. References can be made to other articles or publications, but the author’s article must support the subject on its own. Re-posting of prior articles from past members will be allowed with permission from the author or permission from the society.
[4] Articles should be from four to ten paragraphs in length. The website editor can allow variation from this guideline at their discretion.
[5] Authors are strongly encouraged to include photos, figures, sketches or any other illustration that helps support the explanation of the subject matter in the article.
[6] RRS articles shall strive to remain relevant over the years and decades to follow. Timely subjects such as fluff pieces or current events are discouraged.
For all submittals and any questions, please contact the RRS secretary.