Restroom facility at the RRS MTA is ready

by Dave Nordling, President, RRS.ORG

After a three week testing period, the Reaction Research Society is pleased to announce that the containerized restroom facility is ready for use by our guests and members. Several modifications and improvements were made which have been demonstrated sufficiently. This project has been a few years in the making but well worth the effort.

The electrical, water and sewage systems in both rooms are in working order which means sinks, urinals and flushing toilets are ready for our next event. Some of the interior fixtures are still in work. The interior shower, hot water system and external safety shower are coming soon.

This much-requested and much-desired infrastructure upgrade was built by the hard work of several members over many weekends in all seasons over a couple years. We have many to thank including Dimitri Timohovich, Osvaldo Tarditti, Waldo Stakes, Dave Nordling, Keith Yoerg, Joe Dominguez, Bill Inman, Manuel Marquez, Wilbur Owens and Larry Hoffing,

There’s still more work to go including the floors, shower and hot water system, but we do want to recognize this milestone in our campaign to upgrade our facilities for our membership and our invited guests. Our pit toilet will remain as a backup but many will appreciate a little modern convenience in our remote location.

April 2023 meeting

by Joel Cool-Panama, Secretary, RRS.ORG

The Reaction Research Society held its monthly meeting at the Mary Star of the Sea High School, 7:30 PM PST. We went over the agenda quickly as the symposium preparations for the next day were underway.

Agenda topics of the meeting were:

  • Symposium in preparation
    • Model rocket flights at Mary Star High School were not approved
    • Mark Holthaus of FAR confirmed to attend
  • RRS charitable trust status being examined
  • Jim Gross’ eletrical firing video to be hosted over Zoom
    • permission granted for educational purposes
      • DVD will be donated to the RRS
  • RRS invited to LMU’s Engineering Design Showcase
    • Dave plans to attend
  • Pyro-op recommendation letters (Larry)
  • UCLA Capstone and Frank school launch both on June 10 at MTA
  • Bill Claybaugh next launch on Saturday, April 22nd

Current Events

The first topic of discussion at this month’s meeting was that LAFD did not approve the model rocket launch at the RRS Symposium. Paper rockets will be flowninstead.

In addition to this good news, it was also revealed that some additional attendees would be present, in addition to those already known. These include Mark Holthaus of FAR, as well as the Lander Challenge project. Unfortunately, it was also revealed that Northrop Grumman had pulled their attendance from the event.

The topic of the RRS’ charitable trust status was also discussed. It seems that California has changed some annual requirements for renewal. The RRS intends to seek answers regarding the changes. The RRS is a registered 501(c)3 educational nonprofit group in California.

There is some good news for those seeking their pyro-op licenses, though. Jim Gross has announced that he will allow his video watch meeting to be hosted over Zoom. Several members are seeking their Class 2 license and need letters of recommendation for their applications..

Continuing in the vein of pyro-op recommendation letters, some have had questions about the standards that license holders use to write them. The topic has been tabled until the next meeting on May 12th..

In regards to public events, the RRS has been invited to Loyola Marymount University’s Engineering Design Showcase event, set to occur on April 28th. RRS President Dave Nordling is set to attend, but the event is open to the public, so any society member may attend if they are so interested.

Bill Claybaugh has a launch event planned at the MTA next Saturday and it is on track. It is expected that his six-inch diameter solid rocket will reach an altitude of 69,000 feet and be recovered within 5 nautical miles of the launch site, but there are some weather concerns regarding the launch day. It was also mentioned that air traffic control wants to have a single point of contact from all waiver holders. For launches from the RRS MTA, this will be the President.

In additon to Bill’s launch, there is also a UCLA launch planned for June 10th. This is the senior capstone project for this year which will be F and G sized model rockets. Vice-President Frank Miuccio coincidentally also has a model rocket class on location that same day, so the two groups are likely to share the MTA.

The next society meeting will be on May 12th, 2023, at the Compton/Woodley Airport location. Contact the secretary for details.

80th Anniversary RRS Symposium on April 15, 2023

by Dave Nordling, President, RRS.ORG

The Reaction Research Society is proud to announce our 80th anniversary symposium to be held at the Mary Star of the Sea High School in San Pedro on Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 8am to 5pm. We have 15 speakers and over 20 exhibitions which is on par with our last symposium four years ago before the pandemic.

Mary Star of the Sea High School is at 2500 N. Taper Avenue in San Pedro, California, 90731.

Gates will be open at 7:15AM for exhibitors to set up. The event will start at 8:00AM sharp.

The gymnasium will hold our exhibitors. Room 108 will have the presentations. Seating is limited. All speakers must be present at least 15 minutes ahead of their speaking time.

Below is a tentative list of our speakers. The list is subject to change without notice.

  • Opening and first session, 8:00-8:30am, Dave Nordling, President, RRS.ORG
  • 8:30-9:00am, by remote, Ichiro Ausin, et al, University of Michigan
  • 9:00-9:30am, Dr. Steven Chambreau, Air Force Research Laboratory, Edwards AFB
  • 9:30-10:00am, Eric Schmidt, Exquadrum Inc.
  • 10:00-10:30am, Mark Ventura, Ventura Energy Systems
  • 10:30-11:00am, Dean Theodor, Federal Aviation Administration
  • 11:00-11:30am, Julia Woomer et al, USC Rocket Propulsion Laboratory
  • 11:30-12noon, Blake Spahr et al., UCLA Rocket Project
  • Lunch Break 12:00-1:00pm
  • 1:00-1:30pm, Dr. Frank Chandler, California Polytechnic Pomona
  • 1:30-2:00pm, Dr. Jerry Fuller, Aerospace Corporation
  • 2:00-2:30pm, Tre Willingham et al, Compton Comet
  • 2:30-3:00pm, Caleb Phillips and Vijay Mepani, CALFIRE
  • 3:00-3:30pm, Jack Caldwell et al, Caltech
  • 3:30-4:00pm, Darrell Chua et al, UC San Diego SEDS
  • 4:00-4:30pm, Patrick Finley, Lander Challenge
  • Closing and thanks, Dave Nordling, President, RRS.ORG

Free tickets on Eventbrite are still available. Many thanks again to Peter Thorpe for his background artwork and to Mary Star of the Sea High School in San Pedro, California, for graciously hosting this event. Food/drinks/snacks will be provided by Mary Star High School.

For questions, please contact our vice president, Frank Miuccio.

Our April 14th monthly meeting will be also held at the Mary Star High School auditorium at 7:30pm. We will discuss a few items of business but largely we will be preparing the site for the next day.

Our latest flyer design for the 80th anniversary RRS symposium
Rough floor plan of the exhibition in the Mary Star High School gymnasium
Laminated impulse scale charts from the RRS will be available for purchase at the symposium for $10 each. Proceeds go to the society general fund.
Membership applications will be available at the symposium for those wishing to apply for associate membership. $20 per year for students. $40 per year for all others.

We look forward to celebrating amateur rocketry with the community.