April 12th 2013 Meeting Report

The secondary sights are up functioning and going just fine. (facebook.com/ReactionResearchSociety, youtube.com/ReactionResearchSoc, twitter.com/ReactionResSoc) I’ve made some progress with wordpress but it still needs some work.


Frank brought a few old newsletters and he has let me borrow them to scan, which is already mostly done. He also let me borrow a book on Peroxide rocket race cars. I found a guide on making a simple make shift book scanner, and I used it to scan the book. (http://www.instructables.com/id/Bargain-Price-Book-Scanner-From-A-Cardboard-Box/) I gave it a try and it ‘s pretty easy and doesn’t take too long.


Hey I have a great Idea! Let’s all scan any books on rocketry that we may have that are out of print or hard to find and start making an RRS digital library. I love books, and it would be great if we get more accesses for the rare books we’ve all collected over the years, it would make a great resource. If  you have any books on rocketry you’d like to share, I volunteer to help you scan them or to scan them for you. Drop me an email if you’re interested and I’ll do what I can. (my understanding is that it’s not a copyright violation if it’s used for nonprofit educationalpurposes which defiantly covers the RRS) Also if you have any RRS newsletters, lets scan those too.


I contacted Tripoli and NAR about insurance, they suggested ether Lloyds of London (the guys we got the high quote from before) or talking to the Quad Cities group who self insures. I will contact them and I also received a suggestion to look up New York Life for insurance.


No mention was made of our new lease. I forget to bring it up, sorry about that, it was a pretty busy conversation. I’ve asked them about it in an email. Hopefully they will be making all the details clear.


Recently an open source 3D printed rocket competition has been announced. I’ve joined the competition and submitted an initial design. The thing is pretty short, it’s over in June and it just started. If anyone is interested in joining me, just drop me an email.

(http://www.openspaceuniversity.org/, here is a link to a video of a 3D printed rocket someone has already made earlier http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bt2vQdgpZZg)


Osvaldo brought a Magnetic Apogee Detector he put together from a kit. The device works by deploying the parachute when it detects that the rocket has tipped over by measuring the earths magnetic field. We went outside for a demonstration where he used it to set off an ematch.

There was discussion regarding recording the mounting features at the test stands at the MTA to assist in static testing. I’ll see what I can do about that when I go there for the upcoming launch. It was also suggested that we start developing some standard static test equipment for data collecting. The idea was to use something like an Arduino to record thrust or pressure etc. I wasn’t planning on working on something like that until I had a rocket that really needed it, but if you’re interested send me an email and I’d be happy to contribute.


Getting the membership cards is coming along and will hopefully be ready for when the membership updates will be sent out.


The April 27th launch at the MTA is still on. USC RPL will be launching a rocket. There may also be some launches of some micro grain rockets and static testing and launching of some Sugar/KNO3 rockets.

My Peroxide/Gasoline rocket won’t be ready by then. But I may have a Sugar/KNO3 rocket to static test and launch. I was inspired by Osvaldo’s magnetic apogee detector to start working on a tilt sensor based apogee detector using an Arduino that I hope to fly if the sugar motor static test goes well.


-Richard Garcia

March 8th 2013 Meeting Report

The next launch has been delayed. A firm date has not yet been set but it will probably be April 20th. The UCS members will be launching a rocket. It will be launched from the same tower they intend to use for their planned suborbital space shot. A static firing of a small peroxide-gasoline rocket may also take place. (But only if I can finish the last of the parts and get the peroxide in time)

We received a quote from the first lead regarding insurance coverage for launches and we felt it was to high so the search will continue.

The executive council stated a goal of sending out yearly membership renewal requests and providing additional payment options (something like PayPal online) by June 1st. We intend to use the responses to generate an updated membership database.
We have also been looking into making membership cards. A sample was shown at the meeting. It had a white background, black text, and it also had the RRS logo, and was made out of similar material to credit and ID cards.

We have been discussing wanting to do a 70th anniversary symposium for the RRS this summer. This is in early planning.

The executive council stated that an announcement will be coming soon, probably at the next meeting, regarding a dual use agreement for the MTA.
-Richard Garcia

February 23rd 2013 Firing report

One of the three possible tests were conducted. One member postponed a solid motor static firing. Members from USC RPL had planned to static test two solid propellant motors, but changed their plans  to one. They were experimenting with burn inhibitors to slow the burn rate of possible future motors. They also tested igniters, their first failed to ignite the motor, but the second succeeded. Upon ignition the motor experienced some chuffing initially before fully burning.

We experienced high winds and a bit of a sand storm at the site. I brought two cameras to film the test. Luckily the test fire was completed just before it got really bad. However one camera malfunctioned due to sand intake just before the firing, but the second camera still captured good footage.


Afterwards at home I had to dissemble both cameras and my cell phone to clean the sand out. While driving home on the 14 the winds were still high and a rock was thrown and shattered, but did not break through, our rear driver side window. This was my second visit to the test site and I know the wind isn’t always this bad, but next time I’ going to bring some goggles just in case as regular glasses aren’t much help. I would advise others do the same. I’m considering putting together a list of suggested items to bring when individuals visit the MTA. We should consider making an enclosure for cameras to protect them from ether sand or exhaust plumes.


-Richard Garcia
