MTA Work Event, 2023-10-01

by Dave Nordling, President, RRS.ORG

The Reaction Research Society held a work event at the Mojave Test Area on Sunday, October 1, 2023. The purpose was to complete the photovoltaic panels on top of the Dosa Building which was a success.

Our members, including new member, Bill Nelson, helped clear some of the weeds around key areas that this year’s abundance of rain have spread. We also took the time to enjoy potluck lunch and spend time discussing and rearranging the contents of our container space.

The RRS monthly meeting will be October 13, 2023 (every 2nd Friday of the month) at the Compton/Woodley Airport. The RRS will be working on site the next day, Saturday, October 14th, to continue the work on site.

MTA Work Event Announcement, Sunday, October First, 2023

Greetings Society members, patrons, and anyone else reading this announcement. We would like to announce that there will be a work event Sunday of next week, October 1st at the MTA. During this event we’re looking to:

  • Finish the solar array on the Dosa Building
  • Continue work on the restroom
  • Do brush clearance

Some members of the Society are already committed to being present, such as Dimitri and Joe Dominguez, but many hands make for short work, so we’d greatly appreciate anyone who dedicates the time to aid the Society with it’s continued work on improving the MTA.

Thank you all, and we hope to see you there.

MTA Launch Event, 2023-09-14

by Dave Nordling, President, RRS.ORG

The Reaction Research Society held a private launch event for the Aerospace Corporation at the Mojave Test Area on Thursday, September 14, 2023. RRS member, Jerry Fuller brought his team and experimental two-stage rocket for a proprietary technology demonstration. Osvaldo Tarditti was the pyrotechnic operator in charge for that event. No details of the launch were to be published by the customer’s request. We thank Aerospace Corporation for their continued business.

On that same day, the RRS received two pre-fabricated, air-conditioned office containers to the Mojave Test Area as part of our ever-growing facility upgrade plans. The society will have a 20-foot office container and a 40-foot crew cabin which will allow the Dosa Building to serve as a workspace for projects.

RRS member, Dimitri Timohovich, oversaw the inspections, unloading and placement operations.

The society is grateful to our suppliers, Falcon Structures and Get Hooked Crane Service, for their coordination and professionalism. The society is next planning the electrical power routing necessary to bring these assets into full service.

The society will hold a work event on Sunday, October 1, 2023, to continue facility improvements already underway including the modest photovoltaic array on the Dosa Building.

The next RRS monthly meeting is Friday, October 13, 7:30pm at the front office of the Compton/Woodley Airport.