by Keith Yoerg (RRS Secretary)
The Reaction Research Society’s first meeting of 2021 took place this past Friday, January 8th and was attended by 11 members. Dave Nordling provided a review of the December 2020 event at the MTA, a written account of which can be seen in the post preceding this one.

The first discussion was regarding plans for the upcoming MTA event on Saturday, January 9th. Dimitri (and family), Wolfram, Bill, Waldo, and Dave (as Pyro Op) stated their intentions to attend the launch. Plans include continuing repair and replacement of the bent panel on the vertical launch structure led by Dimitri and Waldo, a launch of Dave’s hybrid rocket, a demonstration flight of Wolfram’s Gas Guzzler, and mention of a grill-out with hamburgers! Expect a launch event update on the results soon.
The discussion continues on improving the restroom facilities at the MTA. While the Executive Committee pursues bids from contractors and other options for a more substantial restroom facility, finding a more immediate replacement for the current pit toilet is a top priority. Digging a new pit toilet should be made much easier by the recent delivery of a CAT backhoe to the Mojave. Due to security concerns, the equipment is being stored at the FAR site in view of their security cameras. Larry and Keith agreed to look into options for cameras that could provide similar security at the MTA.

While the initial plan was to drag the concrete plinth from the current pit toilet to the new one, a decision was made to proceed with building a new wooden platform to mount the port-a-john instead. Of concern was the seemingly likely outcome of damage to the concrete plinth when trying to place it with the equipment available. Dimitri outlined his idea for the new structure and offered to sketch out a more formal design after reviewing at the MTA at the launch event.
The RRS treasurer offered a reminder for members to pay their dues for 2021, which remain at $40 for full membership and $30 for student membership. As a reminder, the full membership dues will be increasing to $50 in 2022. For questions regarding dues payments, contact the RRS treasurer:
Most of the members on the call got involved in the brainstorming session on how to increase fundraising at the society to cover our insurance and other yearly costs. Xavier proposed putting on a holiday party for the society as a ticketed event, and offered to take charge of scoping out costs and possibilities for the 2021-2022 winter season (when in-person gatherings will hopefully be allowed again). Dimitri discussed the challenges and opportunities involved in listing the MTA site with the Kern County Film Commission as a shoot location. The possibility of holding an auction, either stand-alone or as a part of the yearly symposium was also proposed, and Dimitri offered to put together a draft form letter to submit to companies to solicit donations. Additional items would be donated by members or other involved entities.
A request was made for an update on the status of the 2020 Constitutional Committee, which has been drafting changes to the constitution of the Reaction Research Society. Committee member Frank described that only a few outstanding issues remain, including the definition of active membership, which need to be finalized by the Executive Council before being presented and voted on. The Executive Council intends to meet on this issue soon and present the new constitution to the voting membership in the coming months.