From time to time the RRS has also published other materials and this is where you’ll find them.
700 Miles North… and 50 Miles up? 1997
This is a report on the RRS’s boosted dart.
David E. Crisalli
High Powered Rocketry Magazine – November 1997
Development and Testing of a Hydrogen Peroxide Monopropellant Rocket
Video Essay on Hydrogen Peroxide Rocket
Download Video
This is a report on the first liquid propellant rocket to be fired by the RRS, a hydrogen peroxide monopropellant sounding rocket. The rocket was designed and built by David Elliott and Lee Rosenthal, and was tested in 1950 with the assistance of other members of the RRS.
David Elliott and Lee Rosenthal – 1950
RRS Beta Plans
These are the drawing for the classic zinc/sulfur “Beta” rocket developed in the early years by RRS members.
The Reaction Research Society’s Rocket Propulsion Course (Accompanying Text)
(Sorry I had to take this back down. The Executive Council wants to double check to make sure we have the copyright to our own publication. Hopefully we’ll have this back up soon.)
The RRS used to offer a course on composite propellants. This included a trip to the MTA where participants would cast and test a motor. This is the text that accompanied the course. It includes material written for the course and reprints of relevant RRS articles.
The Reaction Research Society’s Rocket Propulsion Courses (AIAA Paper)
David Crisalli, Niels Anderson, George Garboden
AIAA 1997-3278
Rapid development of a low cost solid propellant booster
David Crisalli, George Garboden
AIAA 97-2886
Rollerons – Simplified Roll Control For Amateur Rocket Vehicles
David E. Crisalli
High Powered Rocketry Magazine – May 1996
Well, if it doesn’t work this time we’ll just drink the fuel!
(LOX-Ethanol Static Test)
David E. Crisalli, Brian Wherley
High Powered Rocketry Magazine – October 1994
How To Build A Rocket The Hard Way
(LOX-Ethanol Flight)
David E. Crisalli, Brian Wherley
High Powered Rocketry Magazine – January 1996
ZINC/SULFUR It Wasn’t Always Just For Betas
David E. Crisalli
High Powered Rocketry Magazine – June 1994
Civil Engineering and Rocket Science
David E. Crisalli
High Powered Rocketry Magazine – August 1996
The Two Stage Cluster
Flight Report
by Bill Claybaugh
A Hydrogen Peroxide Rocket
Flight Report
by Bill Claybaugh
The Design Construction and Flight Testing of a Large Liquid Propellant Missile, 1976
David E. Crisalli
United States Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland – 1976
Amateur Liquid Propellant Sounding Rocket Project Static Test Report Test 002
Video Essay on Sounding Rocket
Download Video
David E. Crisalli – 1991
Micrograin Rockets
Book on the early micrograins done by the Pacific Rocket Society and Reaction Research Society.
B.J. Humphreys Jr. – 1958
RRS Constitution
This is a word document version of this Societies current constitution.